What Mobility module offers to you

On-the-go patient information for doctors and nurses with hospital mobile app interface

Doctors and nurses have the power of real-time information access at their fingertips, with Medinous’ very own hospital mobile interface. Accessible through Android tablets from anywhere within the hospital network, the interface allows nurses and doctors to place orders for tests, investigations and medication while on the go, as well as monitor patient records in real-time.


With several of the nursing forms built into the mobile interface, nursing staff have the convenience and flexibility to enter patient information right from the patient’s bedside.

Some features of the hospital mobile app interface module:

Option to view OP appointments for single/different physicians
Option to view and create physician’s assessment sheets
Option to view/record patient EMR/lab results/growth chart
Option to view surgeries scheduled for the day
Option to prescribe medication to patients/view overdue medication
Option to view and record nursing activities
Option to initiate discharge of an admitted patient

What makes Medinous your best decision ever

  • Robust product perfected over a couple of decades with extensive R&D and innovation
  • Presence in 14+ countries
  • Excellent customer support
  • Long standing customers with decades of relationship
  • Fully compliant with highly configurable Billing and Insurance Modules
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hospital information system software
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